The Mirror: Clearing the Air

Same Spaces.
3 min readMay 27, 2022

written by Robert A. Powell

Song suggestion while reading this mind note is Got ’til it’s Gone by Janet Jackson… x2.

La Mano del Mantra, Hacienda La Chimba, Santa Ana (San José, Costa Rica)

Let’s begin.. So the first quarter of 2022 has come to an end and you’ve reviewed whether you made the right decisions, while taking everything you do one step at a time. Sometimes when we extend ourselves beyond the limitations we set, the feeling of disappointment sets in because we found that we could have executed a few things better or worked a bit harder.

But it is never solely on this that we make decisions.

Being able to cheer yourself on in these moments of doubt is of greater importance, as it informs how we create the relationship we have with ourselves and increases the height of the crown placed on our heads. For you to become who you seek to be, the nature of the environment you remain in should be audited. Removing yourself from environments where you may encounter any form of manipulation.

Sometimes it may look like there is nowhere else to turn because it’s all you have known for some time. Here is a reminder that what you do everyday matters; your actions, your thoughts, and your interactions. They all matter.

Our very own brokenness could be a blessing to someone else, not exploitative but inspirational. We all just want a constant of all the things that make us tick to be our best self. If we manage to truly concern ourselves with the things within our control, we would be operating from a position of strength. An example would be: the impact of what others think about you, only seeps in and pulls you apart due to the degree to which you hold them.

We often present different parts of ourselves when we meet someone. The stories we choose to share; the well-formed narrative that some mold to seem better to others, are all part of the world we call our own and how it all affects us.

Life goes on no matter the choices we make in a moment.

Our instincts inform us a lot, and we really should be listening to them like the red flags that appear when meeting someone new. We are never perfect in our ways, but while we aim for such perfection you can always tell when you have served your higher self. Like that feeling that comes with completing a task you have put off for so long.

With the journey to understanding yourself more, at times it may seem as if the load of others is way easier to handle than your own. Every moment may be seen as a fresh beginning and accepting change sometimes calls for you to be more aware of not only the actions of yourself but also of those who you invite in.

“If you are tempted to look outside yourself for approval, you have compromised your integrity. If you need a witness, be your own.” — Epictetus

Some conversations will seem to be experienced differently when speaking from a place of healing versus the unseen dysfunction that may be experienced. We tend to have the urge to cling to things that pleasure us, but this doesn’t equate to our well-being.

Cultivate conversations of love and support because we have all been through it.

I leave you with this mind note to chill with:

Journeys sometimes have several starting points; a decision per second determines a lot. You may hit reset but are you really starting over? There is no set time to get over something, pace yourself. See how it all fits in the bigger picture.

Go ahead and spend a little more time in the sun.

Take a breath right now.. while the music continues.



Same Spaces.

Precursor to the “Same Spaces” Pod | Join me as we.. Uncork . Decant . Unwind .